TP Roll Butterflies


Make beautiful spring butterflies out recycled toilet paper rolls!


  • toilet paper rolls (one per butterfly)
  • scissors
  • paint and paintbrushes
  • twigs/sticks (one thick one and two thin bits for antennae)
  • hot glue gun and gluesticks


    1. tp-butterfly-longCut your toilet paper roll into 4 equal-sized pieces. Bend these at both ends so they form a “wing” shape.

    2. If you’d like, paint the twig bodies and antennae black. Then paint some fancy designs on your “wings”. We did rainbows and polka dots. Paint the inside of the “wings” as well.

    3. Let the paint dry. Then glue it all together. Glue the antennae onto the twig body and then the wings onto the sides. Let it dry.

    Happy Spring!