Flower Garden Art


Make a colorful flower garden masterpiece by stamping flowers with different objects found throughout your house.


  • 12” x 12” white sheet of card stock paper
  • green paper
  • scissors
  • glue stick
  • different colors of paint for stamping flowers
  • small paper plates
  • items for stamping flowers (examples: plastic water or soda bottles, balloons, cardboard tubes, celery, pom-pom attached to clothespin)


    1. garden-longStart by gathering all the supplies you need for stamping on your flowers. Set them aside until you are ready to use them.

    2. Cut small flower stems from your green paper and glue them onto your white card stock paper. Make sure the stems are different lengths so your flowers will be all over your paper.

    3. Pour different colors of paint onto your small paper plates. Dip your objects into the paint and then stamp flowers at the tops of your stems.

    4. Get creative by combining different colors and prints to see what kind of unique looking flowers you can create.

    Now proudly display your beautiful work of art in your home for everyone to see!
