Chalk-Paint Name Tags: A Chic Way to Personalize Party Wine Glasses



–  Drinking glasses

–  Masking tape

–  Martha Stewart Chalk Paint

–  Paintbrush or sponge brush

Step 1


The first step is to tape off the area or design that you will paint. You can keep it simple or create unique designs using the colors of the chalk paint. You can even match the cups to your party decor!


Now that you have your design taped off, it’s time to paint. To get a nice opaque finish, it will take multiple coats of paint. The most important thing is to let the paint dry after each coat. It should take at least 3 coats. 

Martini Glasses

Once the paint is dry and you can’t see through it, it’s ready! The best way to write on the paint is to use a chalk pen, however traditional chalk sticks work just as well.


Note: If you happen to smear the paint while it’s drying, you can easily scratch it off the glass with a knife or sharpe edge, just be careful not to scratch the glass itself.

Highball Glass

Now, it’s time to party!


Looking for more craft ideas? Watch the video below!