Our Readers’ Best Blooms

    Everything in this slideshow

    • Catchy Columbine

      This pink columbine photo submitted by BHG.com reader S. Sikorski (Z3) shows the plant’s delicate beauty. Columbine is a good choice for cottage and woodland gardens because it is easy to grow and self seeds, creating colonies over time. Experienced gardeners appreciate it for its whimsical blooms in many colors and easy-care nature.

    • Awesome Allium

      BHG.com reader dhaywood2796145 submitted this in-your-face view of a giant allium. A spectacular bulb for the late spring garden, giant allium is a great choice because it’s long-lived and ignored by most garden pests, including hungry deer and bunnies.

    • Beautiful Bearded Iris

      This gorgeous bearded iris photo was submitted by BHG.com reader petunias3524962. The maroon standards and falls streaked with white and gold are standouts in the spring garden.

    • Pretty in Pink

      Daylilies seem to have it all — they boast beautiful flowers in a wide range of colors; they have a carefree nature; and they’re largely left alone by pests and diseases. BHG.com reader awoodrow58 shared this terrific pink one.

    • Old-Fashioned Bleeding Heart

      This shot of old-fashioned bleeding heart from BHG.com reader alawand1 demonstrates why it is a favorite perennial flower in the shady spring garden. The heart-shape blooms pierced by white “arrows” dangle gracefully from arching stems.

    • Flower Carpet Rose

      This coral-pink Flower Carpet rose photo from BHG.com reader ellisgardener is a beautiful example of groundcover roses. The Flower Carpet series of roses are low-growing spreaders with glossy green foliage and flower colors such as pink, red, peach, scarlet, yellow, or white.

    • Out-of-this-World Dahlia

      With a starburst pattern of lavender and cream petals, this ‘Starheim’ dahlia looks like a celestial body. This photo was submitted by BHG.com reader crazykaos, who grows many other flowers in addition to dahlias.

    • Tropical Snow

      ‘Snowfire’ hibiscus is named for its brilliant red blooms splashed with white streaks. BHG.com reader GardenSam captured the coloration in this gorgeous photo.

    • Crazy Coneflower

      ‘Pink Double Delight’ coneflower is a twice-as-good form of the more common purple coneflower. This picture from BHG.com reader MudBug shows its pom-pom form surrounded by pink ray petals.

    • Woodland Wildflower

      This shot of trillium from BHG.com reader mssjn3168696 clearly shows three petals in the bloom and the three-lobed leaves of this early spring woodland native flower.

    • Climbing Clematis

      Clematis is a favorite perennial vine with showy flowers in colors including pink, purple, blue, white, lavender, red, and bicolor. This shot of ‘Nelly Moser’ clematis sent in by petunias3524962 shows the striking carmine midstripe on pale pink petals characteristic of the variety.

    • Springtime Beauty

      Nothing says spring more than tulips. This shot of a red-and-gold tulip from BHG.com reader natasha_g_00 shows why these bulbs are so popular. Their cheery colors brighten the landscape after drab winter days.

    • Blooming Groundcover

      Creeping phlox makes an outstanding groundcover for sun or part shade. In spring it is covered with star-shape blooms in pink, white, or lavender, as in this photo from reader dhannam2. The rest of the year, its dense, needlelike foliage keeps weeds at bay.

    • Shining Sunflower

      Sunflowers represent summer’s abundance of sunshine and warmth. This closeup view from BHG.com reader elpater exhibits the complex form of this common composite flower in the daisy family. Whether you grow them strictly for their flowers or for seeds to feed the birds, take time to enjoy their intricacies.

    • Wondrous Water Lily

      Water lilies add an exotic touch to any water feature with still water. The photo of this tropical purple-and-yellow water lily duo from BHG.com reader ehasygabg is an attention grabber. Other water lilies are available in pink, rose, white, or cream.

    • Black-Eyed Susan

      Grow delightful black-eyed Susan as an annual flower or a perennial flower, depending on the type. The one in this photo from BHG.com reader michaudmerc is a large-flowered annual type. Sometimes it self-seeds and comes back a second year, but even with just one year of bloom, it’s sunny face brightens the flower border.

    • SOURCE:http://www.bhg.com/gardening/flowers/annuals/our-readers-best-blooms/