22 Best Trees For Bonsai And How To Care For Them

22 best trees for bonsai cover

Bonsai is a Japanese art form using trees grown in containers, and all the trees are small. If you want to create such a composition, today’s roundup is for you, these plants are perfect for bonsai.

  1. Japanese Maple. The Japanese Maple prefers a sunny, airy position but during great midday heat it should be placed in the light shade to prevent damaged leaves. It is frost hardy even when trained as a bonsai, but it should be protected from strong frost.
  2. Bodhi tree (Ficus Religiosa). Place it in a position that receives at least 6 hours of sunlight daily (the more the better) and provide protection from freezing temperatures.
  3. Cotoneaster horizontalis. It can be grown in full sun or part shade, but flowers best in full sun positions. Protection from frost is required if long cold spells are expected.
  4. Baobab. If you live in a warm climate just keep it in the sun, this, largest succulent in our world will thrive. However, if you live in a temperate zone, place the pot indoors in winter.
  5. Common Beech (Fagus sylvatica). Keep your beech tree bonsai in semi-shade to full sun position, providing a space that is sheltered from the intense afternoon sun, especially in summer.
  6. Boxwood. The boxwood is an outdoor plant that is tough and resilient and withstands the sun as well as shade, however, in its natural environment it grows under the canopy of trees so it is better if you place the plant in partial sun. As boxwoods don’t tolerate severely cold temperatures protect the plant in winter.
  7. Pomegranate. It should be kept outside in full sun for the whole year except when the temperature drops below 41 F (5 C) bring the tree indoors, in a bright position.
  8. Juniper. Best to place them in a sunny spot with shade from afternoon sun. Protect the tree once temperatures drop below 14 F in winter.
  9. Ficus Retusa. If growing in warm climate keep it in partial sun. You can also keep it indoors, especially in cool temperate climate, in a well-lit position but out of direct sunlight.
  10. Ficus Benjamina. It can be grown either outdoors or indoors on a windowsill that gets bright light.
  11. Jade. Jade tree can be grown indoors, although it enjoys sunny positions and high temperatures. Keep temperatures above 41 F (5 C) or all the times.
  12. Crape Myrtle. Crepe Myrtle enjoys the full sun for the formation of flowers. Although it can be kept indoors on a sunny windowsill. In winter maintain the temperature of 45-54 F and low light to stimulate dormancy.
  13. Fukien tea (Carmona retusa). Fukien Tea is an indoor bonsai but can be kept outside all year round in warm climates. It needs bright sunny position in the house. The perfect temperature is around 50 to 75 degrees F.
  14. Chinese elm. Keep the plant in a spot that receives the sun in the morning and in the evening if possible. Chinese elm can tolerate the wide range of temperatures but doesn’t like cold drafts.
  15. Bougainvillea. Place it in a spot that receives at least 5-6 hours of sunlight. Protect it from freezing temperatures.
  16. Dwarf Schefflera. Position your dwarf Schefflera bonsai in bright, indirect light and protect from direct sun. It can also survive in low light conditions.
  17. Indian Banyan (Ficus benghalensis). The tree requires warm humid climate to thrive. If you live in a cool climate you can try to grow it with care in winter. Place the plant in a spot that receives all day long sun but shade in the afternoon.
  18. Adenium. It needs a sunny position sheltered from the wind. If growing in non-tropical climate, in winter, bring the tree inside and maintain the temperature around 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
  19. Olive. Hardy in zone 9, an olive tree can be successfully grown as an indoor plant, but it is best to keep it outdoors in full sun.
  20. Azalea. It needs to be outdoors in a sunny spot that gets afternoon shade to produce its beautiful blooms.
  21. Guava. The guava is a tropical plant and therefore, it should be placed outdoors on a location that is sunny. If you live in a temperate region keep your guava bonsai indoors in winter.
  22. Pine. Place the pine outdoors in full sun, where it will get good air circulation.











Indian Banyan (Ficus benghalensis)

Indian Banyan (Ficus benghalensis)

Dwarf Schefflera

Dwarf Schefflera



Chinese elm

Chinese elm

Fukien tea (Carmona retusa)

Fukien tea (Carmona retusa)

Crape Myrtle

Crape Myrtle



Ficus Benjamina

Ficus Benjamina

Ficus Retusa

Ficus Retusa







Common Beech (Fagus sylvatica)

Common Beech (Fagus sylvatica)



Cotoneaster horizontalis

Cotoneaster horizontalis

Bodhi tree (Ficus Religiosa)

Bodhi tree (Ficus Religiosa)

Japanese Maple

Japanese Maple
