Valentine’s Day Pencils

Pencils are a great candy-free Valentine alternative for kids to hand out to friends and classmates. The best part about these gifts is that they are completely functional: just slide the heart down and sharpen your pencil!


  • felt
  • scissors
  • a marker
  • hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • pencils


    1. heartpencil-longTrace hearts onto the back of some stiffened felt. Then cut them out.

    2. Hot glue a strip of your stiffened felt around the front end of an unsharpened pencil and to the back of one of your cut-out hearts.

    3. Create a template for your fletching (which is the back, feather end of an arrow) and trace that shape onto some stiffened felt. Then cut out your fletching (or feather) designs.

    4. Using the same technique you used for your heart, glue 2 strips around your pencil to the back of your fletching design. You should be able to slide both pieces (the heart and fletching) up and down on your pencil, so you can use the eraser and sharpen your pencil easily!

    Happy Valentine’s Day!