The Best Way to Wrap a Bouquet of Blooms

Beautifully Blooming Bouquet


  • A sheet of decorative wrapping paper (I used my shop’s XOXO wrap)
  • Tissue paper
  • Scissors
  • Handpicked or store-bought bouquet
  • A small plastic bag
  • Rubber band



Step 1:

Fold your wrapping paper so that you form a cone with a pointed end, and secure with tape. Be sure to cut off any excess paper so that your final shape looks like a large ice cream cone.


Step 2:

Pick out a fun shade of tissue paper and tuck it along the inside edge of the paper cone.


Step 3:

Take the flowers out of their original packaging. Trim the stems down so that your flowers will fit nicely inside of the paper cone.


Step 4:

Place the ends of the flowers in the small plastic bag and secure with a rubber band. Then gently put the flowers inside of the paper cone and adjust the tissue paper so that it is perfectly wrapped around your bouquet.


You’re finished! Surprise someone special with your beautifully wrapped bouquet of flowers!


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