Thankful Cards

Perfect for any classroom or as a simple reminder of your gratitude for your family, make these little “thankful cards” with your kids using just a few simple materials.


  • index cards (or white paper, cut)
  • stamp ink or paint (we used brown, red and orange for our feathers)
  • pen or marker
  • pencil (optional)
  • scissors (optional)


  1. thumbStart with as many index cards as “thankful cards” you’d like to hand out. If you don’t have index cards, simply cut pieces of white paper.

  2. Have your child press a thumb into the ink or paint, and stamp a body and head for the turkey with their thumb. Then add feathers, also thumbprints, alternating colors. Let them dry.

  3. If your child, like mine, is too young to write, lightly trace letters in pencil and allow him or her to write over your words with a dark marker or pen.
