Shade Garden

Free Garden Plan

Our free Planting Guide for this garden includes a larger version of the illustration, a detailed layout diagram, a list of plants for the garden as shown, a list of alternatives for each plant, and complete instructions for installing the garden. (Free, one-time registration allows unlimited access to Planting Guides for all garden plans.)

Here’s a garden that will thrive in the cool shade of mature trees — a difficult growing situation where lawns languish. Perennials were chosen for a progression of flower colors from spring through fall. Pink and lavender shades predominate, with touches of silver, white, pale yellow, and chalky blue foliage. The foliage alone creates a pleasing composition: bold leaves are contrasted with fine, lacy textures and bright leaf patterns. The four varieties of spring-blooming bulbs at the bottom of the plant list are optional. They bloom before the perennials to give this garden an earlier start on the season.

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