Sesame Street Pencil Toppers


Make the back-to-school season a bit more fun with DIY Sesame Street pencil toppers!


  • one large red pom-pom
  • one large green pom-pom
  • one medium orange pom-pom
  • one medium brown pom-pom
  • four large googly eyes
  • two pipe cleaners (preferably red and green!)
  • glue
  • scissors
  • pencils



    1. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGlue two eyes to the top of the red pom-pom.
    2. Roll the orange pom-pom between your to fingers to flatten it. You want to make an oval for Elmo’s nose. Glue in between the eyes.
    3. Cut your pipe cleaner in half, and wrap around your finger to make a curl big enough to fit on a pencil.
    4. Glue it to the bottom of the pom-pom.

    Oscar The Grouch:

    1. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGlue two eyes onto the green pom-pom. (top/middle area)
    2. Take your brown pom-pom and cut it in half. Now pull on the ends so that it becomes a loose, and roll it so that it becomes a long piece of brown fluff.
    3. Place a dot of glue in between Oscar’s eyes, then shape! (you want to make the top of a heart. Point in the center, and slightly arched over the eyes) Add more glue if necessary, and trim the ends if the brown fluff is long.
    4. Cut your pipe cleaner in half, and wrap around your finger to make a curl big enough to fit on a pencil.
    5. Glue it to the bottom of the pom-pom.

    If your kids like these, you can always make more, like Cookie Monster with a blue pom pom or big bird with a yellow one!