Macaroni Cat Necklace


Painting pasta is an easy and beautiful way to create DIY jewelry with kids!


  • dried elbow macaroni pasta
  • paint and brushes
  • thin permanent marker (optional)
  • glue gun
  • yarn



    1. Paint your macaroni noodles.For each cat, we painted our macaroni tubes in two tones, for the cat’s stripy belly.

    2. When the paint is dry, lay the pasta side-by-side on the table and glue the pieces together at the back. The glue will keep your cat nice and flat. You can also thread them together, if you wish.

    3. With a thin permanent marker or small brush dipped in paint, draw on the cat’s triangle ears, eyes, nose and whiskers.

    4. Loop in the yarn along the top tube of macaroni and tie it in the back to secure the necklace.

    It makes the purrrrfect accessory!