How To Grow Your Own Moss Outside

How To Grow Your Own Moss Outside

Moss looks wonderful in the garden, especially on rocks and rock walls. It gives any garden a sense of age and weight. How can you grow it yourself? Mosses like moisture, shade and generally prefer an acidic soil (5.0 – 6.0). Partial to full shade is essential. The easiest way to get a patch of moss started is to take a piece from somewhere else and move it. Rake and scratch the surface of the soil you’re going to be putting it on, so that the filaments make good contacts. Wet the area and lay the moss on top of it. Press is well into the soil. It even helps if you pin it in place or put some light rocks on it to anchor it. Keep reading the tips here.

How To Grow Your Own Moss OutsideHow To Grow Your Own Moss Outside