How To Grow Cucumbers Of All Shapes And Sizes

How To Grow Cucumbers Of All Shapes And Sizes

Cucumbers like a slightly acidic to neutral soil pH of about 5.5 to 7.0. Cucumbers are easily direct-seeded in the garden. You can find cucumber seedlings, but they transplant best when still young. Cucumbers are heat lovers. Plants both seeds and plants after all danger of frost. Allow the soil to warm and dry out some. If you are starting seeds indoors, seed them about 3-4 weeks before you plan to transplant. Sowing in peat or paper pots will lessen transplant shock. Plant seeds about ½” deep. You can plants cucumbers in long rows, “hills” or clusters of 3-4 seeds sown within inches of each other. Cucumbers are best harvested slightly immature. Mature cucumbers yellow and start to decline and become bitter. Keep reading care tips and ideas in the source.

How To Grow Cucumbers Of All Shapes And Sizes