God’s Eye


Perfect for a summer camp craft or new family tradition, God’s Eyes are a fun and colorful craft that children love to make.


  • weaving materials: yarn, string, ribbon or crepe paper
  • two sticks
  • scissors


    1. geCut a long piece of wool, lay one stick across the other and join the two by wrapping yarn around the middle of the two until they form a firm X shape.

    2. Knot the end of the yarn to the sticks, close to the intersection of the sticks.

    3. Wrap the yarn around the stick then follow onto the next stick, wrapping it around and continuing on around the cross until the yarn reaches the end and then tie it off.

    4. Continue knotting on weaving threads until the sticks are full. You can switch weaving materials or colors whenever you like after you tie off the previous piece.

    If you’d like to hang your God’ Eye, cut a long piece of string and knot to one stick end.

    For additional visuals, tips and a printable instructional template for learning the stitch, see the original post HERE on Imogen’s Angels.
