Fun with Candy: How to Make Flower-Shaped Lollipops


•  Parchment paper
•  Jolly Rancher hard candies (I used green apple, cherry, and watermelon)
•  Wooden skewers or lollipop sticks




1.  Preheat the oven to 275°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
2.  Choose some of your Jolly Rancher candies and cut them in half — this is so you can vary the sizes of your petals and leaves.
2.  No matter what kind of flower you want to make, always start with the center of the flower and the petals. Arrange different colored candies on the parchment paper in a flower shape of your choosing.
3.  Place in the oven for about 4 minutes. Remove and let cool for 1 minute.
4.  You can reshape your flower by pressing the melted candy together with your hands.
5.  Add the stick by putting it on the bottom of your flower and twisting to coat with candy.
6.  To make the leaves, place 2 green candy halves (or any color of your choosing) on either side of the stick, slightly overlapping the stick.
7.  Return to the oven for about 2 more minutes to melt and smooth. Remove from the oven and let cool.


Once you have the basics down, you can play around with different shapes and colors — just remember to let the candy cool each time it comes out of the oven.