Fragrant Garden

Free Garden Plan

Our free Planting Guide for this garden includes a larger version of the illustration, a detailed layout diagram, a list of plants for the garden as shown, a list of alternatives for each plant, and complete instructions for installing the garden. (Free, one-time registration allows unlimited access to Planting Guides for all garden plans.)

In addition to its sweetly perfumed blossomsýlilies, dianthus, phlox, nicotiana, and othersýthis garden includes plants such as Russian sage and catmint, whose aromatic foliage releases scent only when touched. A succession of fragrances spans the growing season, from irises and candytuft in spring to sweet autumn clematis. Three 4-foot-wide trellises are optional; they accommodate vining plants and serve as backdrop. This garden could be placed next to a patio, against a fence, at the side of the house, or along a property line. Make sure thereýs a comfortable chair nearby, where you can take in the intoxicating aromas. These perennials, annuals, and vines will bloom best in a sunny exposure.

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