DIY Instrument: Rattle Drums

Learn how to make a simple DIY instrument: the classic rattle drum.
You don’t need fancy instruments to have fun with music at home. Gather up a few materials and make some simple rattle drums!


Learn how to make a simple DIY instrument: the classic rattle drum.

  • 2 mason jar lids
  • Balloons
  • Small Beads
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • String- cut to 10”
  • Skewer
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Hot Glue (Adults only)


    1. Trace the outer edge of one lid on a piece of cardboard. Cut out cardboard circle.Learn how to make a simple DIY instrument: the classic rattle drum.
    2. Cut the ends off two balloons. Pull one balloon over each canning lid.Learn how to make a simple DIY instrument: the classic rattle drum.
    3. Tie a knot on one end of your string. Thread about four beads onto the string and knot the other end to form a 9” long string with two beads on either side. Learn how to make a simple DIY instrument: the classic rattle drum.
    4. (Adults only) Hot glue one balloon covered lid to the cardboard circle. Turn over and tape the string to the cardboard circle at the center.Learn how to make a simple DIY instrument: the classic rattle drum.
    5. (Adults only) Hot glue the other balloon covered lid to the open side of the cardboard, covering the string.Learn how to make a simple DIY instrument: the classic rattle drum.
    6. Insert the skewer into cardboard at the bottom of the drum. Hot glue in place.Learn how to make a simple DIY instrument: the classic rattle drum.

    Now make some noise!
    Learn how to make a simple DIY instrument: the classic rattle drum.