DIY Homework Center and Bookmarks

homework final

Getting ready to go back to school comes with a whole (usually long) list of supplies. This can be a tad overwhelming for parents who have to track down all the supplies, and for kids who may be just a little nervous about meeting a new teacher and classmates. This back-to-school project is perfect to help your little ones feel more in control of things. They will be organizing their school supplies for their very own homework center by decorating cans with artwork, and making bookmarks too!


  • empty tin cans
  • spray paint
  • paint
  • paper
  • paintbrushes
  • yarn
  • scissors
  • tape


    1. homework longWash empty tin cans (make sure they were opened with a safety can opener, so there are no rough edges) and dry them.

    2. Outside, on top of a covered surface such as newspaper, spray paint the tin cans inside and out (adults only). Allow to dry.

    3. Paint designs on paper. Get creative and paint any fun pattern that comes to mind. Make sure you paint enough paper to cover the outsides of the tin cans and make bookmarks. Once you have finished, allow paintings to dry.

    4. Cut your artwork into strips to make bookmarks and to cover your cans.

    5. Place strips of your artwork around the painted tin cans and tape them in place.

    6. Next, make some pom poms for your bookmarks. Wrap yarn around all four fingers of one hand about 20 times. Snip with scissors and then slip the loops off your fingers. Tip: You can use a single color of yarn or combine colors for a more festive look.

      Tie a piece of yarn around the center of the looped yarn. Snip the looped edges of one side and then the other to form a pom pom. Trim your pom pom until it looks like a tight little ball, but leave the long piece of yarn you tied in the center. You’ll need this long piece to tie on your bookmark.

    7. Punch holes at the tops of the strips of your artwork that you cut for bookmarks. Thread the ends of the yarn on each pom pom through the holes in a bookmark and tie on the back.

    Great job! Now you’re all set for a school year of reading and homework!