13 Common Garden flowers that are beautiful and popular yet poisonous

Common Garden Flowers That Are Poisonous

No one is saying you should remove them or avoid them altogether, but if you have small children and animals, you should know what flowers are poisonous so that you can keep an extra eye and become aware of what the consequences might be, if they ingest something from the following flowers and plants. We’ve already told you of plants that are poisonous for dogs, and today we’d like to enlist common poisonous flowers that are beautiful and popular. Hydrangea, clematis, calotropis, oleander, azalea, daffodil, lantana, foxglove, lily of the valley, morning glory, wisteria, periwinkle, calla lily – these are plants that can be dangerous, so be careful planting them or just prevent your kids and animals from contacting them.

Common Garden Flowers That Are PoisonousCommon Garden Flowers That Are PoisonousCommon Garden Flowers That Are PoisonousCommon Garden Flowers That Are PoisonousCommon Garden Flowers That Are PoisonousCommon Garden Flowers That Are PoisonousCommon Garden Flowers That Are PoisonousCommon Garden Flowers That Are PoisonousCommon Garden Flowers That Are PoisonousCommon Garden Flowers That Are PoisonousCommon Garden Flowers That Are PoisonousCommon Garden Flowers That Are Poisonous